All Good Things Come to Those who Wait

Lost Girl
Monday, December 28, 2015
Dear World....
The wind whipped around her cold and harsh. Her cheeks burned with the cold and her gaze was drawn to the rocks down below. The river still raged as it did all those years ago. It seemed to be deeper and darker than before. Almost alive with sorrow and pain as she was.
The bridge swayed in the gusts and she wondered if that bridge was as weaker from all the battles it has fought against the wind
She knew she was weaker in all ways.
The bridge was her way out. Her only way out.
The world had not been kind to her.
Anyone looking at her life from the outside would see it as wonderful and filled with love.
She did not see that. She saw a dark stark landscape where she waited, sitting on her rock, until someone needed her.
Only then would she venture into the light. Once there she could bask a moment in the glory and joy of being seen.
That moment would then be gone and she would then wander back to her lonely rock, in the meadow to sit and wait for another call.
She could not do it anymore. Not again.
No unicorn would rescue her this time. No wolf would come to guide her home.
It was time to just be done. Time to let the wind and the water have her.
She lifted the paper in her hand, the words blurred before her as tears filled her eyes, it was fitting to leave this way.
The paper was let go to soar over the river gorge and she stepped to the swaying, frayed bridge.
Time to go.
The paper was whipped around and around until it disappeared over the tree line.
It settled to a road and laid there with its words face up for any to read.
Dear world,
when a girl is quiet, you already know that's dangerous. The things that constantly torture this girl keep repeating. And she has tried to please the people surrounding her, but now she's tired. Give her a break. The ones around her make her feel ugly, like an idiot or never good enough. The people around her never appreciate the things she does for them. This girl is dying inside. She's tired physically, emotionally and mentally. She's only just surviving, but sadly she's not living. Help her out, please Just one make her truly smile. And even just once call her beautiful.
Signed, The Lost Girl
Can't Have....
Her eyes caught his as he walked past her and she smiled but ducked her head and eyes away.
He could not see what she knew was shining in her own eyes. Desire. Adoration.
That would not do. She would look the fool.
She is a fool.
A foolish thing that keeps reaching for the stars to only get burned.
She sat down and stared at her computer and a quite came to mind:
Sometimes someone comes into your life that changes everything.
Raises the standards, makes you laugh and makes you feel like you.
There is something about him that you can't put into words and even though you're not with him, you don't want to let him go.
But she has to let him go.
She needs to step back and not care what he does or who he talks to.
She needs to stop the day dreams of him and her together having the time of their lives.
She needs to stop reaching for those stars because this star is beyond her reach.
If she keeps reaching she will fall into the black abyss of pain as she has in the past.
That will not do for it would break her completely.
Her heart is just too damaged to survive another back turning on her.
For now smile for everyone. Act as if you are fine.
Smile for him. Support him in his life, his loves and his endeavors.
Hide the pain. It will pass.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Here and Now
Snowflakes fell silently toward her like a white swirling tunnel. She could only hear the radio as she was trying to drown out her pounding heart.
Today she had to say what she felt.
Today she would walk up to him and just say she adored him and wanted to be more than friends.
Good Goddess. Just the thought of that made her heart thump hard in her chest.
What if he rejected her? What if he said he did not like her more than a friend?
Fear made her stomach lurch but she knew she had to know.
Or lose him.
She pulled into her parking spot and her heart did a somersault in her chest. He was standing there waiting for her in the garage.
What was this for? Oh my Oh my. Her mind whirled with the possibilities.
She watched him walk to her door and smiled as she got out.
"Good Morning." he said cheerfully but she could sense the nervousness beneath his words.
"Morning." her voice trembled and she cursed inwardly.
His eyes darkened with concern and he stepped closer, his hand coming to catch one of hers. The contact was a shocker for he never touched her and her eyes flew to his. Those gorgeous gray eyes were filled with worry and desire. Her mind had a hard time processing this so she ran her thumb absently over his and he glanced down. A small smile touched his lips then his gaze came back up to meet hers.
"I am done being just friends. I want more." he said softly, his gaze never leaving hers.
"I was worried to do this until this...." his thumb slid slowly over hers and shivers washed over her body.
" did?" she stammered and glanced down to his big hand encompassing hers. She wanted to throw her arms around him but she fretted that this would all be a dream.
"I actually was going to say the same thing to you today." Her gaze lifted back to his.
"I want you....all of you....I want to be with you. I know there is a lot to work out. Schedules. And I am sure there is the fact...." his free hand came up and one finger touched her lips.
She fell silent her eyes wide staring up into his.
"Just kiss me, we can talk later." he said and his lips replaced his finger.
Heat flooded her body and a giant screaming YES resounded in her mind.
She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body to his and deepened the kiss.
Score! Win!
Monday, December 21, 2015
I stared at her across the table and I realized I was losing the battle.
There was no way to not love her To not desire her. To not want to be inside her.
There was a time I tried to just step back but seeing her breeze past, smile in those gorgeous green eyes made everything inside me tighten with desire.
The waitress set the glass of pink looking wine before her and then set his whiskey before him.
I could not take my eyes from her as she took a sip of the wine.
Those green eye sparkled with mischief and one brow rose.
"Taste?" She said softly.
She offered me a sip of her wine and I made sure to put my lips in the same spot her lips had been because I knew I'd much rather drink her instead.
The white zinfandel tasted sweet but I knew she would taste sweeter.
It was time to just take what she was offering.
I slipped into the seat beside her and she watched me with desire of her own.
This spurred me on and I leaned forward, placing my lips on hers softly.
The kiss deepened and I tasted the wine she had drank a moment ago and the sweetness that was just her.
The wine was forgotten as they drifted into the fantasy they wanted to star in.
The Truth?
She grinned as she walked beside him after lunch, shaking her head at his silly comment and she realized that he always had the way to make her smile. No day could be bad when he was around. Warmth spread through her small form at the thought of his smile, his gorgeous eyes that seemed to always twinkle with some inner laughter and that smile that made her melt.
Her mind kept wandering to their time earlier that day when they had lunch.She wished there was some kind of chance with him but she did not think he would be interested in her. Hell her circumstances made things for her a little more interesting so dating for her was a problem. Then there was the fact she was so much older than he was. She was just happy he wanted to spend time with her. But of course she wished for more.
A soft sigh escaped her and she stared out the window wishing.
Her phone alerted her to a text and she glanced down. Her heart gave a big thump then took off racing It was from him.
*Hey, want to come over tomorrow and check out the car? I want to show you the engine before I start tearing it apart.*
Heart slamming into her ribs she picked up her phone. This was so new between them. He had kept a respectable distance between them at all times, even going as far as walking 6 feet away from her. She had the distinct impression that he kept this distance to let her know they were friends and nothing else.
Pausing in her thoughts she realized just cause he asked her to come over does not mean he was interested that way. He knew that she enjoyed working on cars and knew that engine he had in the car well.
"Calm down girl. Be cool." she whispered as she texted back.
*Sounds good. After work then?*
*Yep that will work. Just text me when you are leaving and I will call you. we can talk while you drive.*
*Ok. See you tomorrow*
Her hands trembled as she set her phone down. What would she wear?
The day dawned and work crawled by. Soon she was in the car talking to him as he guided her to his place. She was so happy they decided to talk before she got there. It relaxed her to chat about the mundane things of the day.
When she pulled into his driveway he was standing out in front smiling. Her knees felt weak as she looked at him. So damn handsome and sexy.
After a tour of his house they soon found themselves standing in the shop and she was peering down into the engine compartment of the car. She chattered on and on about what she was looking at, some of it nervous chatter but most of it was because she loved working on cars. She leaned a little far forward and her feet slipped out from under her. She teetered there on the fender of the car trying not to grab anything that would tear on the engine when she felt strong hands grab her around the waist.
Soon she was pulled up against his tall, strong form and she leaned back against him laughing.
"Whoops." She grinned as she looked up at him
He grinned down at her but did not release her at all but did the opposite. He pulled her closer and her knees felt weaker by the moment for his beautiful gray eyes had changed from mischievous to something she wanted to label desire.
"Tell me the truth how you feel about me little one." He said softly his eyes pinned to hers.
Her body went still as she stared into those eyes that had captured her soul. She decided it was time to just say what was on her mind. She turned in his arms and pressed her small form against his as she never broke eye contact.
"The truth? I like you. A lot. You make me happy. You make me laugh. You're smart You're different. You;re a little crazy and awkward and your smile alone can make my day." She said breathlessly.
"Ditto." he said softly then his lips captured hers in a gentle kiss.
Her whole body went into shivers of desire and her arms slid up around his neck so she could press herself tighter against him.
The desire that flooded her when she heart his soft little moan at her movement set her heart to pounding.
His strong arms lifted her up to sit on the fender of the car and his hands tugged her hips to press to his.
Now it was her turn to let a small moan slip from her throat as she felt his arousal press to the juncture of her thighs. She felt her panties get wetter at the contact and she unconsciously rubbed against him.
He tore his lips from hers, hands lifting to cup her cheeks and he stared into her eyes. His gray eyes were filled with lust.
"I want you. All of you. Now." he growled.
"" she grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged it upward. he laughed and pulled it off tossing it aside.
"Yes...." his hands tugged at her own shirt and as their clothes began to disappear she felt her heart grow wings and soar away on the love that was born that night.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
I Need Something
Again she stares at the screen and lets the tears roll down her face. It always seems to end up this way and she wonders for the millionth time; what is so wrong with her that she cannot be wanted and loved.
Again she felt as if she needed to slide into her armor and protect herself from those who just do not care. Her smile was her armor. Her happy demeanor was her sword. Acting as if she did not have a care in the world was her shield. Around and around she danced away from the feelings of unworthiness and abandonment.
Again she felt left behind and not good enough.
She shook her head and turned to watch the snow falling silently outside. She felt cold. She was turning numb. How to stop this. How to not go downward into this spiral of despair again.
She began to write.
I need something.
I'm beginning to think that I need anything.
Speed in my veins.
Tar on my lungs.
Smoke in my throat.
Blood on my hands.
to get rid of the ghosts in my heart.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Your Lips
She could not take her eyes off him as he walked down the hallway. His smile was bright and his voice filled with cheer as he talked to those he passed.
His bright blue eyes were sparkling with the happiness he felt that day and she wanted a piece of that. Hell, she wanted a piece of him.
Without even realizing she let her gaze slide over his form as he walked. She admired the way the tshirt was tight across his chest. Fingertips ached from the desire to slide over that material and feel the strength underneath.
She wondered if his ribs were ticklish like hers. What would his lips taste like? Forbidden fruit she was sure of it. He would be the sweetness of falling into an abyss of desire.
"Like what you see?" he asked as he looked down into her now widening green eyes.
She felt the blush wash over her cheeks. Dear Goddess, she just devoured the man with her eyes as he watched. She wished she could just sink into the floor but then the glint of pure desire his eyes made her pause. Fuck it, she thought and she let her thoughts rush out.
"Yes I most certainly like what I see." she said with a seductive smile. Well she hoped she looked seductive and not weird.
He grinned and stepped closer. His eyes were gazing down into her own and she felt herself melting with desire.
"I am glad because I know I like what I see as well."
Fuck this game playing.
"Then lets go see how good it can get."
His laugh sent shivers of want through her and she lifted a brow tossing a challenge to one man she know would never back down.
"Guess you can't hack it. That's ok. Another time." She said with a exaggerated sigh and turned around to walk away.
"Oh hey wait a minute. I can hack whatever you throw my way." He said as he stepped in front of her path of retreat.
Her brow rose and she looked up at him with a skeptical look.
"Yeah? Follow me." she stepped around him and began to walk towards the door.
A glance back saw he followed, his blue eyes a mixture of anticipation and worry.
What the hell was she doing. This was not good. Forbidden he was. A no touch.
But she could not help herself and she continued onward.
Once they were outside he took the lead.
"Let's walk."
They walked towards the park and chatted about the day's events. She always felt so comfortable in his presence.
He paused under a tree and turned to her.
"And so how good does it get?" He asked with a smirk.
That smirk pissed her off. She would bet he thought she would not do anything.
Fuck that.
Without a word she pressed her small form to his, hands sliding over his cheeks and her lips pressed to his.
She felt his very slight hesitation and then his arms were around her crushing her to his taunt body. His moan of desire was not lost on her and she kissed deeper.
They stood under the tree in the waning light of a fall evening tasting deeply of one another.
He broke the kiss and looked down into her eyes. No words were needed.
He took her hand and led her to his truck.
The night had adventure written all over it.
Later on that night as she sat with her glass of wine staring out the window she said softly.
"Your lips were supposed to taste like forbidden fruit. Yet every breath exchanged between our urgent mouths tasted limitless.
Boundary lines melted the moment our ardent skin pleased with mine to say yes.
"Yes" was the only reply my flesh could utter. Now I am lost."
Monday, September 14, 2015
Kiss You Hard
(Quote pulled from Pinterest - Author of the quote in the box is unknown)
She turned and stared at him as he approached.
His blue eyes were filled with worry and he had no smile on his face.
Her heart twisted for she told him she was leaving this place and he told her not to move.
The words jumped out at her from the screen with a sternness that kept her rooted to the spot.
She did not think he would care. She thought he would just say goodbye and that would be all.
There was nothing between them. There couldn't be.
"Why?" he said softly as he stopped before her.
Blue eyes drilled into her own green ones and she had to look away.
Her gaze was drawn to the words on his shirt ad she whispered.
"Because it is time for me to move on." her gaze flicked up, meeting his briefly then ducking away again.
"I wanted to stay but no one offered."
"Then stay with me." he said and his finger lifted her chin so she was forced to look into his eyes.
Heat coiled in her stomach and she felt flush all over. Her desire for him was unnerving. It should not be like this. Not so soon.
"I can't. We can't. We should not...." her voice trailed off as his eyes darkened with what only could be called desire.
The look in his eyes triggered her own desire for him to run deeper. She realized in this moment she had the power and he wanted her regardless of the consequences.
It was time to be bold. It was time to just take what she wanted.
Her hands flattened to his chest and she stepped closer. She could feel his heart hammering under the fabric and she knew she was affecting him deeply.
There was a line and she was going to cross it. Damn it all.
Her eyes on his she said. "I will not stay here but I will stay with you and you will stay with me. We will stay together and damn all to hell."
His arms slid around her waist and he dragged her against him but he remained silent as she knew there was still resistance
The last wall needed to go down. She felt a twinge of guilt but she said anyway.
"I want to kiss you so hard that you will never be able to get the taste of me out of your mouth."
Then she pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. At the touch of their tongues he let out a soft moan and pulled her tighter to his body.
They lost themselves in each other.
Let reality stay away for a while.
Lovers need their paradise.
She turned and stared at him as he approached.
His blue eyes were filled with worry and he had no smile on his face.
Her heart twisted for she told him she was leaving this place and he told her not to move.
The words jumped out at her from the screen with a sternness that kept her rooted to the spot.
She did not think he would care. She thought he would just say goodbye and that would be all.
There was nothing between them. There couldn't be.
"Why?" he said softly as he stopped before her.
Blue eyes drilled into her own green ones and she had to look away.
Her gaze was drawn to the words on his shirt ad she whispered.
"Because it is time for me to move on." her gaze flicked up, meeting his briefly then ducking away again.
"I wanted to stay but no one offered."
"Then stay with me." he said and his finger lifted her chin so she was forced to look into his eyes.
Heat coiled in her stomach and she felt flush all over. Her desire for him was unnerving. It should not be like this. Not so soon.
"I can't. We can't. We should not...." her voice trailed off as his eyes darkened with what only could be called desire.
The look in his eyes triggered her own desire for him to run deeper. She realized in this moment she had the power and he wanted her regardless of the consequences.
It was time to be bold. It was time to just take what she wanted.
Her hands flattened to his chest and she stepped closer. She could feel his heart hammering under the fabric and she knew she was affecting him deeply.
There was a line and she was going to cross it. Damn it all.
Her eyes on his she said. "I will not stay here but I will stay with you and you will stay with me. We will stay together and damn all to hell."
His arms slid around her waist and he dragged her against him but he remained silent as she knew there was still resistance
The last wall needed to go down. She felt a twinge of guilt but she said anyway.
"I want to kiss you so hard that you will never be able to get the taste of me out of your mouth."
Then she pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. At the touch of their tongues he let out a soft moan and pulled her tighter to his body.
They lost themselves in each other.
Let reality stay away for a while.
Lovers need their paradise.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
She stood at the edge of the lake and watched the sun set fire to the water.
The camera did the best it could to capture the colors as they rippled over the lakes surface but her eyes took it all in.
Such beauty. Such tranquility.
She wished it soothed her soul but it didn't.
Someday she wished to stand here with someone to show them the fire on the lake.
Someday she would love to be seen.
Someday someone would hold her hand freely and without worry.
Someday that person would sit and talk to her for hours.
Someday she would tell her story.
Someday she would hear theirs.
Someday she would not long for what she never seem to have.
Someday she would be embraced for who she was.
Someday she would be missed.
The camera did the best it could to capture the colors as they rippled over the lakes surface but her eyes took it all in.
Such beauty. Such tranquility.
She wished it soothed her soul but it didn't.
Someday she wished to stand here with someone to show them the fire on the lake.
Someday she would love to be seen.
Someday someone would hold her hand freely and without worry.
Someday that person would sit and talk to her for hours.
Someday she would tell her story.
Someday she would hear theirs.
Someday she would not long for what she never seem to have.
Someday she would be embraced for who she was.
Someday she would be missed.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
They sat watching the city lights below them.
It was so beautiful.
The lights twinkling like the stars had all landed on the ground.
He looked over at her and she was sitting next to him, a scant inch away.
She smiled.
His heart sped up.
It was time for his bite.
His one taste of that delicious mouth.
To feel her skin under his fingertips just once would satisfy. Or would it?
His fingers snaked into her hair feeling the silken strands slide over his skin and his mouth crashed down onto hers.
The built up passion was overwhelming and he deepened the kiss. Tasting her deeply and shivering at the flavor of her.
They broke the kiss and stared into each others eyes, breathing heavy and knowing this was not going to be the only time.
He wrapped his arms around her, buried his face in her hair and sighed. He needed more. Always more.
The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him, or into the air all around him. She had become a physical necessity.
He knew there was not going to be only one taste.
Reddest Apple
(Quote by-Daniel Saint)
His breath caught in his throat as he watched her walk by. His eyes followed her form taking in the way she moved with such purpose but her smile was carefree. The blue dress hugged her curves just the right way and it made his thoughts wander to dangerous places.
It was amazing how this little slip of a woman had captivated him so completely. She could even break his attention from his task at hand so he had to ignore her siren call throughout the day but he had to talk to her before the weekend. He needed to hear her laugh, see her smile and possibly feel her skin.
She was the reddest apple in the garden, the most tempting among the forbidden fruits, and I didn't need the serpent to convince me to bite her.
The quote rolled through his mind and he sighed. She was forbidden. He should just walk away now and not entangle himself any further in her sweetness. But how could he when she walked towards him as she is now, her smile widening when she saw him standing there.
A beacon of beauty.
A soul that reverberated with his own.
A delicious apple that he just had to bite.
His breath caught in his throat as he watched her walk by. His eyes followed her form taking in the way she moved with such purpose but her smile was carefree. The blue dress hugged her curves just the right way and it made his thoughts wander to dangerous places.
It was amazing how this little slip of a woman had captivated him so completely. She could even break his attention from his task at hand so he had to ignore her siren call throughout the day but he had to talk to her before the weekend. He needed to hear her laugh, see her smile and possibly feel her skin.
She was the reddest apple in the garden, the most tempting among the forbidden fruits, and I didn't need the serpent to convince me to bite her.
The quote rolled through his mind and he sighed. She was forbidden. He should just walk away now and not entangle himself any further in her sweetness. But how could he when she walked towards him as she is now, her smile widening when she saw him standing there.
A beacon of beauty.
A soul that reverberated with his own.
A delicious apple that he just had to bite.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
All alone she stood at the waters edge. The sun was setting in the west and the forest behind her had grown very quiet. The only sound she heard was the lashing of the waves to the sand at her feet.
Her heart had hardened in the time she spent alone rebuilding her life and that was just fine by her.
Sentiment and love was something she could not afford to even think about now.
All she cared about was getting through each day with sanity intact.
Her chin came up as she felt a familiar presence walk up behind her.
"We should get back to the lodge. The dinner rush is still ahead."Dillon's voice said softly.
She nodded and then let out a sigh. Dinner rush. She needed to check on the steaks that had been marinating all day. That was the special tonight and she was positive they would run out before the night was over so she made sure the salmon and chicken were stocked up on.
She began to turn away but paused as the sunlight gleamed off a ship in the distance. A cruise ship heading to the wilds of Alaska she was sure. Her heart tightened and a memory popped up in her minds eye and she gasped.
He stood there before her, smiling and waving a knife in animation as he talked. Chopping celery for the base of a soup. That had been a grand night of wine food and talk that ended with epic loving.
Then she knew she had caused him more pain that he needed to carry. She reminded him of everything in the past he was trying to forget. His ghosts came forth more and more so she took a step away and realized the only thing she could do was leave him be. The only thing that was right to do was walk away and let the demons sink back into their black hole.
She did that and he went on to have a life worth living for.
That ship reminded her that even though we may float away from those we love it does not mean that we do not love them still.
Dillon came to stand next to her.
"It's alright. Sometimes you need to let it out." he said softly. He knew her story He was the only one who knew what she had left behind and why.
She turned to him with eyes bright with tears. They slid down her cheeks and she made no move to wipe them away.
"There were days I wanted to go back and take what I felt was mine .I know he would have stayed. But the pain in his eyes was so hard to see. The fear he tried to hide with bravado or anger showed me I was in the wrong.."
She shook her head. "That ship I just saw reminded me that love is not simple. Love is not roses and wine every day."
Whirling around she saw the ship was gone and the painful lump of emotion in her throat made it so hard to speak but she knew she had to say it.
"I finally understand what true love means Love means that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. That's love. That's what I believe in. And sometimes it is not yours to even hold"
One deep breath and she turned to her worried friend. She wiped her eyes and smiled.
"Let's go make some magic in the kitchen for our guests"
She reached for his hand and led him back to the lodge with a heavy heart but lighter spirit.
Her heart had hardened in the time she spent alone rebuilding her life and that was just fine by her.
Sentiment and love was something she could not afford to even think about now.
All she cared about was getting through each day with sanity intact.
Her chin came up as she felt a familiar presence walk up behind her.
"We should get back to the lodge. The dinner rush is still ahead."Dillon's voice said softly.
She nodded and then let out a sigh. Dinner rush. She needed to check on the steaks that had been marinating all day. That was the special tonight and she was positive they would run out before the night was over so she made sure the salmon and chicken were stocked up on.
She began to turn away but paused as the sunlight gleamed off a ship in the distance. A cruise ship heading to the wilds of Alaska she was sure. Her heart tightened and a memory popped up in her minds eye and she gasped.
He stood there before her, smiling and waving a knife in animation as he talked. Chopping celery for the base of a soup. That had been a grand night of wine food and talk that ended with epic loving.
Then she knew she had caused him more pain that he needed to carry. She reminded him of everything in the past he was trying to forget. His ghosts came forth more and more so she took a step away and realized the only thing she could do was leave him be. The only thing that was right to do was walk away and let the demons sink back into their black hole.
She did that and he went on to have a life worth living for.
That ship reminded her that even though we may float away from those we love it does not mean that we do not love them still.
Dillon came to stand next to her.
"It's alright. Sometimes you need to let it out." he said softly. He knew her story He was the only one who knew what she had left behind and why.
She turned to him with eyes bright with tears. They slid down her cheeks and she made no move to wipe them away.
"There were days I wanted to go back and take what I felt was mine .I know he would have stayed. But the pain in his eyes was so hard to see. The fear he tried to hide with bravado or anger showed me I was in the wrong.."
She shook her head. "That ship I just saw reminded me that love is not simple. Love is not roses and wine every day."
Whirling around she saw the ship was gone and the painful lump of emotion in her throat made it so hard to speak but she knew she had to say it.
"I finally understand what true love means Love means that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. That's love. That's what I believe in. And sometimes it is not yours to even hold"
One deep breath and she turned to her worried friend. She wiped her eyes and smiled.
"Let's go make some magic in the kitchen for our guests"
She reached for his hand and led him back to the lodge with a heavy heart but lighter spirit.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Reason Lost
The wind whipped through the city and she stared outside the hotel room. Her heart shattered in a million pieces but even with the pain they glowed white hot like the lights of the city below.
She lost the battle.
She lost the war.
She did not even realize she was fighting for something until she realized what had happened.
Reason lost, the battle and all she could do was surrender and accept she was in love with him.
The man she had followed around on tour for so many years. Who she had saved from himself more than once. The person she considered her best friend.
The taste of him would forever remain on her tongue. The sound of his love in her ears would always haunt her. His gleaming eyes filled with mischief and love would stalk her forever. She would remain drunk on him and stumble around this planet knowing why he chose to take the other woman as his wife.
Foolish girl. Men like him do not fall in love and marry their assistants.
They fall in love with models and have gorgeous babies.
"Dear hell." she said aloud as she thought of the babies they would have.
She took a long drink of her vodka and sighed as she turned to the bags next to the door.
She was leaving tonight. Red eye back to the west coast. Back to a new life she needed to find.
Somewhere there was someone who would choose her.
Don't Have to Say a Word
The wind howled outside the hotel room and he stood watching the glittering city below him.
The world went on below, the ebb and flow like it was every single night, but he was stuck in his misery.
Both of his hands slid into his hair and his forehead pressed to the cool glass. His eyes closed as the pain sliced through his heart.
He could not believe he walked away from the best thing ever to come into his life.
The choice he made was more for show, for excitement and of course love but the woman he chose did not see him as his little one did.
"God I fucked up." he said softly.
"Yeah, you did." a voice came to him from across the room.
He turned to see the guitarist from his band holding a six pack of beer. He held it up and waved him over.
"Dude, you need one or more of these."
He sighed and walked to his friend. Taking the beer he twisted the top off and drank down half of it instantly.
"What can you do now man? You not only lost her for yourself you lost her for us as well." his friend said as he sat down in the arm chair.
Sighing he dropped onto the couch and nodded.
"Yeah,I lost it all I think." He drank the rest of the beer and reached for a second one.
"What made you choose like you did?"
He said there silent a moment, his eyes staring blankly into space and then he shook his head
"Ego." he admitted and then let out a long sigh.
"I get that. I really do. But then what made the one who got away so special to you. I know what she was to the rest of us but to you, there was something more."
He took a drink of his beer and thought about it. So much made her so special. So damn much. He closed his eyes for a moment then started to speak.
"She understands me. She accepts me. I don't have to say a word. She just looks at me and sees who I am and how I feel and accepts it. She doesn't try to change it or wants to change it.That person. There's a billion people but I imagine there is only one of her. And I did not chose her." he felt the lump in his throat and the tears did fill his eyes.
"I did not choose that one in a billion. I am a fool." he whispered.
His friend nodded and they sat in silence before the glittering city wondering what came next.
Monday, May 25, 2015
You Will Stumble Upon
The lightning lights up the dark room and the thunder soon rolls through, shaking the windows of the house.
She lays there in the bed on her side, staring out the open window to watch the lethal bolts of energy crack the sky.
Her heart hurt. It was interesting to feel it hurt after such a long stretch of nothing.
She was a dead stick for a long time and even to feel this pain was something better than nothing.
The pictures she had stumbled across set her heart to pounding and then she was back in time.
Standing in the darkness wrapped in his strong arms while the beat away the spirits that plagued them. They knew in that moment their bond was unbreakable. She quieted his demons and he set hers free. That night was one of discovery and learning and there was more to be had but it was not meant to be.
The room lit up again with white light and she could remember the feel of his skin under her fingertips, the strength in his arms and the calm that surrounded them.
She remembered a quote she read, not remembering the author but it hit home. Hard home run.
One day whether you are 14, 28 or 65 you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest most awful truth you will ever come to find is that they are not always with whom we spend our lives.
One tear slid down her cheek to soak into the pillow as the storm moved off into the distance and the night grew dark and silent once again.
She Was Beautiful
He paused in his rush to get to the office as he saw the woman sitting in the sunshine on the low stone wall.
Her hair was purple but not in the crayon color purple but a purple that had various shades of red threading through. It was a vision of cool fire to see on that late spring afternoon.
She sat with a book in her hand, headphones in and sunglasses on her face.
Something about her made him pause, but today only a moment and he rushed to get to his meeting.
There she was again. Two days ago he had seen her sitting there in the sun and today is no exception But the sun is not out today and the gray clouds crowd in on the high rises all around the small park.
So many people rushing to something at this lunchtime moment but all he could do today was stare.
Her hair was just dark today but he knew the fire was there in those strands.
Sunglasses gone and he could see her beautiful face He wondered what color her eyes were. He hoped they would be green and they would see his soul. That battered thing that he rarely let see the light of day.
His phone rang and he jumped. Glancing down he realized he was late for a meeting. Phone to his face he ran off towards his own high rise in the city.
A week had gone by. The sun was out again with a heat that told summer was coming. She was there again today. Alone. She was always alone with her book and her lunch. No one even glanced at the pretty dress she wore with the black boots that looked like army issue. She never looked up and kept her attention on the book in her hand.
She was beautiful in the quiet way that lonely unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.
He noticed her. All of her. He needed to see her eyes and so he turned off his phone and walked to the beauty on the wall.
Her eyes were green. His soul smiled.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
There comes a time when you must open your eyes to the truth and realize those who left your life had their reasons.
The interesting thing is that the reasons are usually never what you think they are.
And those reasons usually have nothing to do with you personally.
Then comes the moment when you run across that soul once again. They cross your path.
A spark of hope comes to life. Then you think only of the good things. Only of the pretty picture without flaws.
How it could be this time. But you are still ignored. Still pressed away into their lost memories.
When you find truth it is up to you to decide what to do with it.
For a moment there was pain. Regret. Sadness. Feelings of not being good enough. A why not me sort of flow within the soul.
That moment faded away quite suddenly and there was just the past that remained.
That inevitable place that we need to teach ourselves not to dwell in.
Then the dawning comes....
Individuals in my past have proven to be neither friends nor enemies of mine, but we are strangers who share memories,
Good or bad, they are memories.
No new ones will take their place for strangers seem to pass through like a breeze.
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