Wednesday, September 9, 2015


She stood at the  edge of the lake and watched the sun set fire to the water.
The camera did the best it could to capture the colors as they rippled over the lakes surface but her eyes took it all in.
Such beauty. Such tranquility.
She wished it soothed her soul but it didn't.

Someday she wished to stand here with someone to show them the fire on the lake.
Someday she would love to be seen.
Someday someone would hold her hand freely and without worry.
Someday that person would sit and talk to her for hours.
Someday she would tell her story.
Someday she would hear theirs.

Someday she would not long for what she never seem to have.
Someday she would be embraced for who she was.

Someday she would be missed.

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