Thursday, April 18, 2013

Never Comes

It never seems to work her way.

     She waited all those months. Hoping her conversations would entice.

      She tried to be aggressive. She tried to be kind. She tried to be friendly.

        Then she was just herself, unapologetic and then he was in her arms. He took her with such desire and need it sent her to the heavens.

       Silence came after. Painful silence. Alone she wondered what did she do wrong.

                    Then words that she did not understand.

Then he was back and she was so grateful. She hesitated. She was afraid but she wished to be in his arms again, even if it was just one more night. His soul had touched hers. She felt hers touched his. He was her addiction. She needed to taste him once again.

  She let her truth be known, with kindness and compassion and love.

         He broke her heart with more words.

                       She was cast aside. She was not good enough.

       She feels less than but she still harbors hope.

Foolish girl.

She still waits. Feeling the pain of rejection. Hoping her pain will be washed away with his love.

                              But it never comes.

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