Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hearts at Intervals

Great Goddess she was a fool.
Of course her bravado did her no good. She talked a big game but when it came down to when she needed to step up, be strong, she faltered. As usual.

It was his eyes.
Those gorgeous, deep brown eyes that she ached to stare into for eons.
She saw him today.
Not the fleeting across the room glance of his form moving by.
But a full on, two foot away, breathless encounter.

Oh it pissed her off to no end that this guy, who just did not care, could still mess her up inside.
She would never admit it. Hell no.
She could not meet his eyes for it would give her away.
She would walk by without a word, eyes elsewhere, breath caught in her throat.
She had no words anyway. What could she say at this point? After what he said and what she knew he meant.
So the silence reigned. Painfully lorded over her broken heart.

It's a travesty when two hearts, at different intervals in life, find each other.
And although they would otherwise be perfect for each other, they can't be together, for the timing isn't right.

She didn't cry anymore.
The pain was not raw anymore, time had seen fit to scar her up.
But she was not impervious to her own day dreams and desires.
There were times when she really delved deep into her dreams where he was at her side, happiness was abundant, that a tear would steal down her cheek.
The tear wrung from a scarred heart for what might have been.
Then the tear dries up for it was over. Well and truly over.
No talking. No smiles. No touches. Nothing but dark, silence with glances to the ground.
Such harsh tactics to keep hearts guarded.

But there was a moment where she saw him for who he truly was. A sweet, caring, smiling soul who wished to only make her happy. That person would always be engraved on her heart.
Bright and hot like a star.

He was her dream and in this lifetime it was not to be.
Perhaps that was all it was.....just a dream