Monday, May 25, 2015

She Was Beautiful

He paused in his rush to get to the office as he saw the woman sitting in the sunshine on the low stone wall.
Her hair was purple but not in the crayon color purple but a purple that had various shades of red threading through. It was a vision of cool fire to see on that late spring afternoon.
She sat with a book in her hand, headphones in and sunglasses on her face.
Something about her made him pause, but today only a moment and he rushed to get to his meeting.

There she was again. Two days ago he had seen her sitting there in the sun and today is no exception But the sun is not out today and the gray clouds crowd in on the high rises all around the small park.
So many people rushing to something at this lunchtime moment but all he could do today was stare.
Her hair was just dark today but he knew the fire was there in those strands.
Sunglasses gone and he could see her beautiful face He wondered what color her eyes were. He hoped they would be green and they would see his soul. That battered thing that he rarely let see the light of day.
His phone rang and he jumped. Glancing down he realized he was late for a meeting. Phone to his face he ran off towards his own high rise in the city.

A week had gone by. The sun was out again with a heat that told summer was coming. She was there again today. Alone. She was always alone with her book and her lunch. No one even glanced at the pretty dress she wore with the black boots that looked like army issue. She never looked up and kept her attention on the book in her hand.
She was beautiful in the quiet way that lonely unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.
He noticed her. All of her. He needed to see her eyes and so he turned off his phone and walked to the beauty on the wall.
Her eyes were green. His soul smiled.

1 comment:

  1. Could not find the original author of the quote in the box but just the quote words belong to someone else. The rest is mine. Enjoy.
