Monday, December 28, 2015
Dear World....
The wind whipped around her cold and harsh. Her cheeks burned with the cold and her gaze was drawn to the rocks down below. The river still raged as it did all those years ago. It seemed to be deeper and darker than before. Almost alive with sorrow and pain as she was.
The bridge swayed in the gusts and she wondered if that bridge was as weaker from all the battles it has fought against the wind
She knew she was weaker in all ways.
The bridge was her way out. Her only way out.
The world had not been kind to her.
Anyone looking at her life from the outside would see it as wonderful and filled with love.
She did not see that. She saw a dark stark landscape where she waited, sitting on her rock, until someone needed her.
Only then would she venture into the light. Once there she could bask a moment in the glory and joy of being seen.
That moment would then be gone and she would then wander back to her lonely rock, in the meadow to sit and wait for another call.
She could not do it anymore. Not again.
No unicorn would rescue her this time. No wolf would come to guide her home.
It was time to just be done. Time to let the wind and the water have her.
She lifted the paper in her hand, the words blurred before her as tears filled her eyes, it was fitting to leave this way.
The paper was let go to soar over the river gorge and she stepped to the swaying, frayed bridge.
Time to go.
The paper was whipped around and around until it disappeared over the tree line.
It settled to a road and laid there with its words face up for any to read.
Dear world,
when a girl is quiet, you already know that's dangerous. The things that constantly torture this girl keep repeating. And she has tried to please the people surrounding her, but now she's tired. Give her a break. The ones around her make her feel ugly, like an idiot or never good enough. The people around her never appreciate the things she does for them. This girl is dying inside. She's tired physically, emotionally and mentally. She's only just surviving, but sadly she's not living. Help her out, please Just one make her truly smile. And even just once call her beautiful.
Signed, The Lost Girl
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