Wednesday, March 30, 2016

She was Fierce

He shook his head and laughed out loud at the text.
That woman had his heart in her hand and she knew how to take him from a bad mood to a good one in just one sentence.
His day had been rough, so much going on, so much on his mind but his little one always made him smile.
His world changed with her around
He found himself on more than one adventure. Going places he would never have gone. Doing things he thought he never would do.
He regretted none of it for when he was with her all was right in his world.

She was fierce, she was strong, she wasn't simple, she was crazy and sometimes she barely slept.
She always had something to say, she had flaws and that was ok.
And when she was down she got right back up.
She was a beast in her own way but one idea described her best.
She was unstoppable and she took anything she wanted with a smile.

And that smile was what caught him.
Those green eyes saw into his soul. Knew what he needed and she gave him love like he had never known.
Finally he felt at peace in his heart and soul.
He had come home.

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