Friday, August 9, 2013

Fanciful Thoughts

Sometimes I get into a fanciful mood.
I love to day dream and think of things of how they could have been.
I write down my thoughts. Innocent. Heated. Romantic. Lusty. Angry. Sad. Joyful.
Sometimes they are what the day has brought.
Sometimes they are just random thoughts.
I see a picture, such as the one above and my mind spins.
Such as....

On a cool night we lay under the arch and stare at the milky way above us.
The arch is dark and looms above like a sentinel to the stars.
Your hand tangles in mine as we revel in the silence around us.
The world has ceased to exist and only you and I matter.
The feel of your hand in mine; strong and tender at the same time.
Our day had been filled with sand, heat of the sun and love.
Our night will be filled with rock, cool starlight on our skin and love.

Give me your hand and allow me to show you love and the world as I know it.
Take my hand and show me your love and the world as you know it.

Let us go on a grand adventure.
Let go of those things that are bad for us.
That tear our hearts to pieces.
That bring our eyes to the ground in sadness.
And let us rejoice in love that is strong and wild.

Let us brave the winters together before the fire.
Let us tend the gardens of our springs.

Let us be.

Let us dream.

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