Monday, August 12, 2013

I See You

There comes a time when we must turn our attention inward to grow.
We must take the step backwards, turn our back, shut the phone off, shut down the social site and take a deep breath to face the panic down.
We are addicted to knowing what everyone is doing, thinking, and saying that we make ourselves crazy with over thinking.
Once we take that step back, gather our thoughts, we allow our intuition to show us that our first impression was correct.
Regardless of what was said, done, we know. We know the truth.

To get more in tune with that statement....I am the truth.
I learned that this weekend. I am simply the truth. Whatever the truth is for you, I am that very thing.
An arrogant statement to be sure, but it does take some arrogance to love another with such arrogance.
I am sitting here smiling as I can just see the arrogant smirk you would have your face if you read this. It does give me joy to know that you can still smile.
Regardless if I am the one making you smile or not, it's just important that you smile.
Smile. Laugh. Run through the sprinklers but watch for the bees.

Let's say I have had an epiphany. I know when someone is placed in my path I can't do anything more than be whatever I can for that person, in that moment.
How ever long that moment lasts, I will always try to be the best in that moment.
I will be what you need in that moment.
I had hoped we would have more than just a couple of moments, but the ones we did have, were spectacular. In passion. In frustration. In laughter. In pain.
All were special. All were what we needed in that moment.

You ever wonder why a chance meeting would be so insane?
How did we get there? Were we driven together by some unseen force?
Yes, you were pushed in my path by your angels and mine laughed with riotous joy to see the look on our faces.
They love a good laugh, our guardians, our spirit guides.
They know what we need, that is why they are with us; to guide us to those whom we need.
They know us. Hell, we chose them to guide us on our karmic journey to ever higher learning, love and joy.

Strange how we just clicked.
We know one another. We knew one another. We will know one another again.
In this lifetime?
I can only dream that we do not need to wait another lifetime.

What it all boils down to, this little piece of me, is that I seek only joy and love.
I wish to give only joy and love.
I know it's not that simple. I know life gets in the way. I know we make decisions in the moment and we stick to our path.
(Of course I wanted you to deviate to my path...I know I am greedy but I just can't help it for when once tastes something so delicious, that makes a soul go all a quiver, you are addicted.)

I  hope I was able to do something to give you clarity, to lift you in a moment of doubt or to give you the shock of your life. (You did that to me...shocked me out of my inward, downward spiral...I thank you and your angels for that)
I wish you only happiness, love and joy.
I know you care.
I want you to know I care as well.

Know this: I see you.....I see who you are without the walls, without the arrogance, without the pain.
I see you; the loving, giving soul with the most adorable smile.
I hope to see that smile, directed at me again someday.
Until then; live well my love.


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